BoD Meeting

Date: 1/13/2009

Time: 7:05 PM – 9:07 PM

Place: Randall Mungo's Shed

Meeting called by: BoD Type of meeting: Meeting of the Directors
Facilitator: Chad Keller Note taker: Patrick Hedgepath
Timekeeper: Patrick Hedgepath Attendees:Chad Keller, Randall Mungo, Patrick Hedgepath, Debbie Kessel, Connie Parson


Agenda item: Meeting called to order
Motion made by:  
Motion second by:  
Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Review of the minutes
    Presenter: Patrick Hedgepath
    Discussion: The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed.
    Motion made by: Patrick Hedgepath to approve the minutes
    Motion second by: Randall Mungo
    Conclusions: 3 yes 0 no votes
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Budget Presentation
    Presenter: Randall Mungo
    Discussion: Balance is $24,546.91 at years end 2008. The proposed budget for 2009 was given out.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: Randall will make another set of adjustments and the committee will make another round for the final 20 SCE&G signatures. Budget approval tabled until the next meeting.
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Management company interview
    Presenter: Tracie Robinson
    Discussion: CMA made a formal presentation as the board. The board asked questions of the CMA representative. It is a small company that was started in 2004. The board discussed how violations would be handled. The board was given a list of services provided for the $600 monthly fee.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: New Board Members
    Presenter: Chad Keller
    Discussion: The board received two volunteers for the vacant board seats. Connie Parsons and Debbie Kessel.
    Motion made by: Chad Keller to appoint the two volunteers to the vacant board positions.
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: 3 yes 0 no votes
    Action items:
  • The two volunteers were appointed to the open positions.
  • Person responsible: Board
    Deadline: Now
    Agenda item: Review of the meeting with CMA
    Presenter: Chad Keller

    The board discussed the meeting with CMA and talked about other management companies they wanted to interview. The board will interview the other management companies and present the management company that the board feels best suits the communities needs to the HOA at the next open meeting.

    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Action items:
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Auditing the books
    Presenter: Randall Mungo
    Discussion: Randall spoke with a CPA and they mentioned this was a really bad time of year to try to get this done.The wait period for their firm was a couple of months. Debbie mentioned there could be another CPA in the neighborhood that might be able to assist with this.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: Debbie will contact the CPA and ask them if they can audit the books.
    Action items:
  • Person responsible: Debbie Kessel
    Deadline: next meeting
    Agenda item: Vice presidents position
    Presenter: Patrick Hedgepath
    Discussion: Patrick mentioned that Randall currently holds both the Treasurer and Vice Presidents position. Debbie Kessel volunteered for the Vice Presidents position.
    Motion made by: Randall Mungo nominated Debbie Kessel for the Vice Presidents position.
    Motion second by: Chad Keller
    Conclusions: 5 yes 0 no votes
    Action items:
  • Debbie Kessel is the new Vice President
  • Person responsible: Board
    Deadline: Now
    Agenda item: Meeting Adjourned
    Presenter: Chad Keller
    Discussion: The meeting was adjourned.
    Motion made by: Chad Keller to adjourn the meeting.
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: 5 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Person responsible: Chad Keller